Tuesday 26 March 2013

EVALUATION Q2:How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


I think the combination of our main product and ancillary task worked  effectively together because the use of synergy helped to promote our product.
The main source of synergy of our product is the close up shot used on the main artist. Through out all of our products from our Music video to the print products, the face of the artist consistently appears. The use of close up shots on the main artist is to promote him, so that he can be easily be recognised by our audience. We used a black and white image for the digi-pack of the main artist because we wanted to make him look intelligent which is also represented by the glasses and the suit the artist is wearing. The celebration text on the cover is in turquoise blue because it is the colour we chose to represent the main artist. We chose this colour because the colour represents communication, clarity and idealistic knowledge.
EVALUATION Q2:How effective is the combination of by joeking122 on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

We used a variety of fonts such as impact, Calibri and Times New Roman only because we wanted a simplistic font style that people could easily read. The cover consists of five headlines including the main story about Josh Jen's 'Celebration' album.
Furthermore, we focused on codes through out our three task, we made sure that all the codes were representing similar ideas through out the three products. For example, the props and costumes featured in our music video and magazine cover is similar. Sunglasses was a dominant prop in our music video and magazine, in both products it represented the same thing, how 'cool' the artist is.

Other props such as jewellery and money were similarly used to represent wealth and class and the black and white colours used in our digi-pak our magazine cover and the cover-lines such as 'The power of money'  and lyrics; "If you got the money if you go the dough" all relate to the same connotation and meaning.

Furthermore, we took to account Ferdinand Saussure's theory about semiotic codes. We used props such as reading glasses on the cover to signify the intelligence of the main artist. By using reading glasses for the Digi-pack cover we were able to create our own representation of what we wanted the main artist to be seen as and this image was also supported by the clothes he is wearing. In connection with the video, there were a few scenes on the chorus were the artist was also wearing a blazer, this was done to create a connection between the digi-pack cover and the music video.

The music video consists of a lot of bright vibrant colours which we used to make the video suitable for our chosen, young audience. As the video featured three musicians, we allocated three different colours such as red, blue and black and white, to each of the artists to make the video look more interesting and to separate the three verses in the video and the different colours represented the artists individually.

 As Josh Jen was the main artists, in this scenario the colour that represented him was the turquoise blue, this is why the colour is featured in all three of our productions and since he played the biggest part in the music video, we made sure that the blue turquoise colour was dominant over the other colours thorough out all of our products. The way our main artist is represented through out our products was  derived from Roland Barthes Semiotic theory( The signifier and the signified).In This case the blue colour is the signifier while Josh Jen is the signified. So even without having a close up image of Josh Jen, by just having the turquoise colour alone, he can still be represented.
The Signifier

The Signified

In addition the three main colours and fonts which we used in our music video are also the three main font and colours we used for our magazine front cover and digi-pak. This was done on purpose to keep consistency and to encourage synergy,for promotional reasons and to make it easier for our audience to be able to identify all our products.

Another connection between all three of the three products is the text and font style. For all the of the products we included an impact font style because it is the one we thought would be more effective in making people read the text and also eye catching. The text  used matched with the spoken lyrics this was done to replicate professional hip-hop music videos. For example s it was in the video it is on the magazine cover and Digi-pack. Throughout all the production we carefully selected codes and symbols we found would present an accurate representation of a hip-hop artist. The coloured texts which we used were similar to the ones in our music video. Furthermore, within the video we had a few black and white scenes that represented our magazine cover image visually. The main things that connected all three of our products together are the black and white images and scenes, the colour codes within the projects and the use of text and font style in all three projects.

Overall I think the combination of our main task and ancillary task was very effective because it helps to promote our product. The message our Music video was promoting was enjoyment, happiness and partying, through the use of pop arts and vibrant colours across our three media productions I think that our message got through to our audience. By having a house style in all of our products helps to promote our products through it's consistency. This consistency is effective because our audience are continuously being exposed to the same colours and font styles over and over again, therefore all our products will be easily recognised by our audience.

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