Sunday 30 September 2012

Typical logos on Digi paks

A Barcode is a numeric/alphabetic data entry which replaces the keyboard.Without typing on the keyboard, only by scanning the bars, numbers and alphabets are directly entered into the computer. This are usually found in the back of a product in shops stores etc.

A recycling Logo is used to show that a product is recyclable; it helps people to throw trash away into a specific recycling bin. This makes the product greener and the fact that it is green also helps people to buy the product because it makes them feel like they are taking part in making the earth a better place.

A parental advisory explicit content logo is used to signify to the consumers that the audio/video may contain excessive use of profane language and/or sexual references.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Digi Pak Analysis

The Narration to B.o.b's Front cover indicates that B.o.b is out of this world (because he's music is so outstanding), he is shown as a meteoroid crashing down the earth. The idea of B.O.B being out of this world is to suggest that he is at the top of he's game and  above every other Hip-hop Artist.  
B.O.B Has been made to look Predominant on he's Digi-Pak's cover and this  was done through effects displayed on the front cover e.g the shattered stones, the fire and the clouds. The shattered stones is used to Portray B.o.b as extremely strong and powerful this is because is because the stones are broken due to B.o.b's force. The Stones are used to represent the Other Hip-hop artists how the are meant to be obstacles  in B.o.B's way, and the fact that B.o.b is causing this stones to shattered shows that he is totally monopolizing the music industry. 

The idea that he is in total control is also shown through his body position and gesture for example the way he's hand is placed on the ground makes it look he is pushing down on the earth which is then causing all the stone to shatter this is again making him look dominant. The way the white  smoke in the background is spreading is used to represent how B.o.b is infecting the world with he's music and turning everyone into he's fan. In addition Fire is used is in this cover to signify danger, fire is known as the bringer of destruction and it symbolizes chaos and war. Fire was used in this image to suggest 'colonization' which tides in with the idea that B.o.B is trying  to control the Earth.

On the other hand, The Tittle of the Cover The  Adventures of bobby ray signifies that B.o.B is suggested to be a super Hero, although the image might seem destructive but it could also represent that B.o.B is trying to save the music industry by breaking and rebuilding it.

In contrast to J-cole’s mixtape's front cover which is less animated and more natural, this was done on purpose to show that J-cole raps more about the normal everyday life/ the real world. He has a plain facial expression which adds to the idea that he is natural and does not fake or create different image of who he actually is. A long shot is used on J-cole to show every part of he’s body from his feet to his head, this is to show the location of the mise en scene  and also  to that  indicate that J-cole has nothing to hide, everything he raps about is the real deal. The image looks like a normal photograph of an ordinary person this is because the mise en scene is set on a normal street and the way he is dressed is totally ordinary and contains nothing flashy or shinny.  This digipak cover was created this way on purpose to break the typical Hip-hop cover conventions because typical Hip-hop digipaks are usually not plain and simple. The typical Hip-hop digi-pak usually have a potrait of the main artist wearing expensive clothing, flashy jewellery, sunglasses, cars and trainers but this photograph goes directly against the stereotype. This is to indicate that J-cole is a different type of rapper, he sees more to rap music than just the clothes fame and fortune and that is why he has chosen to keep the cover plain and simple.

In addition J-cole is placed on the  front cover with the street which is covered in smoke behind him, the picture editor made sure J-cole is not covered in the smoke to send a message that the artist stands out from the crowd of the other Hip-hop artists.
Pictures of J-cole’s Childhood is used in the image inside the cd’s case, the purpose to this is that without listening to the music, straight away the audience can tell that the songs in the mixtape is going to be about J-cole’s life. The title ‘The Come Up’ also sells the idea that the songs in the CD are about J-cole’s life. For example, The title ‘come up’ gives me an impression of growth, development and progress which represents the past stages in J-cole’s life. The name of the Artist and the Mixtape title is written in white to signify purity and this goes well with the little Halo ring on the Letter E in J-COLE but juxtaposes with the horns in the Letter O in J-COLE. This is to suggest that sometimes the Artist can be misjudged.

The there Front Covers of theses digi paks are all different, For example the narration of Fat Joe's Album Cover and title suggests that the songs in the album will be about Fat joe's life and how  his has been  hustling in the streets; been trough pain and struggles.

The Narration of Bow wow's Album title and Front cover is that he had nothing to start with but he has now made it as 'The Prince of Fame'.

In Contrast, the Narration to Akon's Album title and Cover is that he has previously been in jail and was controlled by the government, that has affected his life and he is now trying to break free.

When you look at Fat Joe's  album you can tell that it is going to be about his life because the cover only consist of a close up shot on Fat Joe's face and this is also given away through the title of the album 'Me Myself and I'.We can also tell the mood of the album through the cover. For instance, Fat Joe is dressed in all black and the background of the cover is also black therefore we cannot expect this album to be about celebration or partying. It is bound to be about struggle, hustling, hard-work and pain or tears and sorrows. This is because of the connotation of the colour 'black' which are strength, Sadness or sometimes even death.

Similarly, Bow wow's Album cover also has a black background which also follows the same representations of the black colour. However, this Background colour Juxtaposes with the name of the Album 'The prince of Fame'. This is because the connotation of fame which is shinny lights, Celebration and happiness and this is  exactly the opposite of the connotation of the black colour, so therefore the Background colour does not match with the album's name. In addition, the design of Bow wow's has some patterns around the edge which makes it look like a framed picture. This follows links with the Title of the album' Prince of Fame' because fame is usually associated with cameras and pictures.

Similar to bow's album cover, When We look at The title of Akon's Album  'Locked up' we get the impression of Jail, anger and aggression but this is not what we translate when we look at the cover on its own. Although he's facial expression and body language suggests that he is angry, but the background  does not suggest this. There is a bright light shinning on he's face on the front the cover, bright lights usually represents freedom but the title 'Locked up' goes against it.

Hip hop Genre is Shown through the dressing of these Artist for example Bow wow and Fat Joe are both dressed in a black hooded jumper which is associated with hip hop and also the NY Flat peak hat that fat Joe is wearing is also associated with Hip-hop it is usually worn by artist in music videos to represent where the artist is from. To add, one of the things that the three front covers of the Digi Pak have is a Picture of the Main artist and when you look at the three covers it looks like the Artists are looking straight at you. This is done purposely to advertise the face of the artist and therefore help to sell the album because straight away when an existing fan sees the artist's face on an album they will be more persuaded to purchase the album.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Our Target Audience

The Demographics of our target audience for our music video are students with age range 14-21 they are usually studying at school, colleges, university and new workers that have just started a new job or the ones that have part time jobs and are not fully independent. The Consumers are from middle/lower middle and skilled working class families and they usually live in an urban area.

 The psychographics of  our target audience are the 'Mainstreamer’ who buy products just to fit in to a particular group and because they are trying to keep up with the latest fashion, accessories and trends. This is because our target audience are mainly teenagers. Teenagers are more influenced by their friends in terms of what they buy than adults over 21 are. For example a young teenage at the age 16 is more likely to buy an I Phone if all of his/her friends has one than an adult over 21 in the same position. This is because teenagers are less independent and are sometimes unsure of what they want. Teenagers are also more likely to face peer-pressure than an adult would and schools tend to have more closer groups and societies than in job areas and working places and therefore this is one of the reason why teenagers tend to be a lot more influenced by their friends than adults. We are targeting the consumers that like to go out partying, night ousters, gigs and club goers. They are usually quite car-efree and tend to want to enjoy life to its fullest. They usually enjoy watching Sitcoms such as Friends, The Fresh Prince of Bel air, Two and a half men etc. Just like the average young people around the world, they will enjoy spending most of their times on social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace  This is an advantage for use because it will help us to promote our final product on theses websites.

Monday 24 September 2012

Types of Digi-Pack

A 4 page DigipakBasic 4 page Digi-packThe most basic Digi-pack, featuring one tray. Options include a choice of tray colours (available in black, white or clear), number of trays (1 or 2) and tray positions, glued in booklets, slots or pockets for booklets, and three types of finish. 
An 8 page Digipak8 page Digi-packThis is an 8 page Digi-pack (the left hand panel is shown folded in). Options include a choice of tray colours (available in black, white or clear), number of trays and tray positions (1 to 4), glued in booklets, slots or pockets for booklets, and three types of finish. It is also possible to arrange the panels in a 'T' shape.
Several versions of the DVDigipakDVDigi-pack 
Approximately A5 size and designed to compete head on with the Amaray style box and the Super Jewel Box, this new DVD packaging has already been used on major DVD video releases. Again, options include a choice of tray colours (available in black, white or clear), number of pages, trays and tray positions, glued in booklets, slots or pockets for booklets, and three types of finish.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Audience:What do you expect in a Particular Music video?

What does a certain music video targeted to a certain audience look like?

What do You expect?
  • Cartoon
  • Children
  • Colours 
  • Parents
  • Fiction World
  • Happy
  • Bright


What do You expect?
  • Colours
  • Teenagers
  • Love
  • Bright Clothing
  • Girls/Boys
  • Young Couples
  • Happy song
  • School
  • Field 
  • Party
  • Lights
  • Wild

Young Adult
This varies, it could be similar to a teenage video or
the older adults' video or even in between.

Older Adults

What Do you expect?
  • Calm
  • Low amount of Colour
  • Mature Clothing
  • Sorrowful 
  • Black and white
  • Meaningful
  • Instruments 
  • Inspiring 

Shot types and camera angles

 Shot types and camera angles
Ø   High angle

This angle looks down on someone, it makes the person or object small and insignificant. This is used in a TV drama when they want to know someone has more power than someone else.

Ø   Low angle

This angle looks up on something or someone making it look bigger than it really is. It is the opposite of a high angle. It is commonly used in TV shows when they want someone to look big and powerful.

Ø   Slanted angle

A slanted angle shows an object or someone from an unnatural point of view. It can be used in a drama to show things only the audience can see.
Ø   Eye level

An eye level angle shows the object of the picture looking directly at you, this shows that he or she has the same amount of power as you. However in some magazines it is used to show sexual tension when it is used with models.

ØAerial shot

 A view from above, it could be a place or a scene for a movie. It shows everything t hat is happening from a birds eye view. It shows the audience everything that is happening at once. A crane shot is used to achieve this type of shot.
Ø   Close up shot
Close up shots are used to show an object in such detail that it blurs the background around the image. However it can also be used in a drama or film to get close to the actors so that the audience feel almost involved in what is happening.

Ø  Long shot - takes a picture from a distance, it shows a whole setting. It could be used to show a full scene or an actor’s full body


Medium shot  A medium shot is usually from the targets head down to his or her torso. This to show the target’s body, as well as their face. This type of shot is often used in magazines.

Wide shot

This shot is commonly used to show a target and a large setting behind them. The main point of this shot is to try to see the setting more than the target. Moreover it is also used to see large distances.

Two shot

A two shot is mostly used in TV dramas w here it shows friends side by side. However it can also be used show relationships. The main purpose of this shot is for the audience to see what sort of relationship the characters have between them.

Over the shoulder - Taken from behind a subject to see someone else. It is sometimes used in dramas to show someone's facial expression. It is more commonly used for when two people are having a conversation.

  Point of view -This shows the view point of an actor. You can usually see the actor’s feet or hands in the picture so that you know straight away what sort of shot it is. It is sometimes used in films to show someone's eyesight as blurry, if they are becoming unconscious

Thursday 20 September 2012

Competitions in Hip-hop

Types of Hip-hop


  •  Strong-Broken glass but the rapper is totally untouched
  •  Hard -serious facial expression 
  • Wealth- Big branded belt (louis Vuitton) and a big necklace which are very expensive.

  • Party- shown through the bright lights and the dark colour also represents the night life.
  • Wealth- Expensive watch and bracelet.
  • Clothing-Expensive leather Jacket 
  • Power-hands around the city to show that he is in control.
  • Cool/calm-Shown through the shades


Passion-shown through
 he's body language and facial  expression.
Peace-shown through the
 rapper's clothing which
 is white which represents
Cool/calm-shown through
 the shades
Genre expectations:
Genre expectations:

Genre expectations:

Conventions of Hip hop

The Top 5 Hip-Hop Record Labels to Watch in 2012

Pittsburgh has been in the spotlight lately because of its budding rap star Mac Miller. Miller has an impressive feat under his belt. His album debuted at number one on the Billboard charts after selling more than 144,000 copies of Blue Slide Park. With no major label or radio push, the 19-year-old has made history as a breakout rapper, who managed to cultivate a massive following on the Internet through a pair of mixtapes 2010’s K.I.D.S and 2011’s Best Day Ever. The label’s other triumph card is Wiz Khalifa and his Taylor Gang movement, another artist who has a steady stream of popular mixtapes and blew up with Kush & Orange Juice. Its latest signee Lola Monroe is a female rapper waiting to shake the game up as Taylor Gang’s first lady. Independent record labels have their share of successes; just check Strange Music and Rhymesayers Entertainment's growth over the years. So don’t be surprised if the upstart Rostrum Records becomes the next big thing in 2012.

Every year, YMCMB makes headlines. Just look at their past announcements: A Young Money debit card, a 14-year-old singing and dancing sensation Torion Sellers and strengthening the YMCMB roster with recent signees Busta Rhymes and Mystikal. Add two best-selling albums, Lil’ Wayne’s Tha Carter 4 and Drake’s Take Care, Nicki Minaj winning two honors at this year’s the American Music Awards and everything is kosher over at the YMCMB headquarters. 2012 is shaping up to be another good year in the making with Nicki’s sophomore effort Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded and the rest of the crew (Tyga, Bow Wow) climbing aboard YMCMB’s ascendant. Wayne, Birdman and Slim have come a long way since their Hot Boyz days, so expect this powerhouse to command the hip-hop game come 2012.
Shady Records has all the momentum going into 2012. At this year’s BET Hip-Hop Awards, the Shady 2.0 cipher was undisputed as the best. It also served as a point of making lyricism a dividing factor against the competition. Much like Eminem, the latest acquisitions of Slaughterhouse and Yelawolf exemplify what Shady Records as a force can bring to hip-hop. Yela’s debut Radioactive is a compelling showcase for the speedy MC and each member of Slaughterhouse – Joell Ortiz, Joe Budden, Royce Da 5’ 9’’ and Crooked I – all have solo albums on the way, as well as a highly anticipated sophomore collective album. Em reviving his label is just the beginning as they enter 2012 on some high notes.
Maybach Music
Rick Ross has been sitting comfortably at number two for a while. Another New Year’s Resolution alongside healthier practices is taking over the rap game with Maybach Music Group. A resilient recovery from two seizures only shows the Bawse works harder than anybody. His dream team comprises Wale, Meek Mill, Pill, Stalley and the lovely Teedra Moses. Of course, the focus has been on superstars Mill and Wale, the former taking over the streets this year with records like “Tupac Back” and “Ima Boss,” and the latter taking advantage of a new career second phase with Ambition. Ross’ God Forgives, I Don’t has fans gravitating toward the commercial rap kingpin, speculating its release date and guest appearances. His team all have pending debuts, especially Mill and Pill who have fans awaiting some lyrical heat, and another upcoming talent showcase in Self Made Vol. 2. Cue lady who says “Maybach Music!” to ring in the New Year.

This was taken from

Saturday 15 September 2012

Lil wayne lolipop analysis

This is the video for a song from Lil wayne called "lollipop"

  A low angle camera shot is used to make Lil wayne look  bigger and important and superior to the average people. This shot puts Lil Wayne in the centre of the screen making him the centre of attention. Throughout this video low angled shots were used, this was done to make it seem like the audience were looking up on the main artist.

Friday 14 September 2012

Lupe fiasco superstar

The 9 frames screen shots all represents the creation of a star, which agrees with the title of the Music video (Superstar). (1)The shinny golden light bulbs represents the beginning of a new idol, the colour gold represents the wealth and value of the artists and the fact that the gold is shinny, smooth instead of rusty dark brown colour represents the young career of the artist and that it is no where near an end.
Picture 2,4,8 shows a bright light shiny down upon the artist in contrast to the black blank screen behind him, this represents how he is potrayed to be superior to "the average person" the bright lights makes him stand out. In the second picture it shows little ribbons poured down upon the artist this is done to show that the artist is successful and the ribbons is used to represent the celebration of of he's success. In the second picture, the brightest part of the light is focused on him and the lights fade out more as the distance from him increases, this was done to show how important the artist is and how everything else is unimportant. This follows the representation of the genre of how hip hop artist are potrayed to be aroggant in the media. Picture 3 shows a red carpet with camera flashing and there is a shadow of he artist appearing on the Red carpet. This was shot to represent the fame and the fortune and the red carpet represents the narrow road to success and he fact that he's shadow appears on the end of the red carpet means that he has reached that success position he craved to reach. Picture 5 shows that the fans are in love with the artist and how they are trying to reach up to him. Picture 7 and 9 shows a shinny, clean meccedes benz and an elegant looking young lady, this represents how wealth and women goes with the fame. The hip-hop Genre always has the representation of women being potrayed as an item or or a property. Linking  back to history of hip hop, The man that has the most women is known as the alpha male and therefore he is respected but other males.

Black eyed peas - Gotta feeling

The first frame shows a set of make up and lipsticks- the narration of the frame shows how women struggle to look their best to attract the opposite sex in their attempt to find a rich partner (ideally the rapper kind) or a good night out. It also potrays women as dependent on men and always trying to live up to expectations of men and doing what ever it takes for them to be up to the standard the men are looking for. Picture 4 shows a close up on fergie's face in the shower, the narration shows a woman enjoying her shower and trying to cleanse herself before going to the party in order to make herself look 'sexy' This is an example of collective identity it is passive because women do not always have the choice to make these decitions, they are forced by the society to behave this way. 

This is achieved through the media; for example in picture 5,8  shows a man jumping up and every one in the video is having fun, this was done to show how much  fun they will have if they dress up and behave in this certain way. The narration of the picture frame is clearly saying dress in a certain way to a party  and you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself like the people are doing in the picture frames. Picture 6 shows will-iam taking off he's jacket to is used to represent how he is letting go of all he's problems  and getting lose in order to party properly and have a great time. This is also used to portray that wil-iam is feeling sexy. This was done to get into the minds of the audience watching and to make them believe that they want to be just like the artists themselves. Picture 7 follows the steroe-type of how sex is portrayed in hip- hop videos, it shows a hot looking woman in bikini setting on a man with cool shades on and they are having a great time. And the bottle of wine on the floor in frame 9 is showing the wealth of the artist and how wasting a bottle of wine really doesn't really make any difference to their wealth. 

Tinie Tempah - Pass out

Through out this video close up is used from beginning to the start, the close up shot on Tinie Tempah's face is used to show he's facial expression. He is enhancing he's face because he was a new comer in to the music industry so he is trying to make sure everyone knows about him. Picture one shows a white ring orbiting around he's head, this ring is used to represent the planet in the solar system and the all -black background is used to represent space. We can see that Tinie Tempah's Head is sticking out in the middle of the white ring, this was done purposely by the director to narrate that he is in charge of the universe and the fact that the sun is extremely essential to our universe shows how Tinie Tempah is important to the music industry . The Planets usually Orbit around the Star(sun) but instead the planets are Orbiting around Tinie Tempah, The position of the  sun was replaced with Tinie tempah's face to show how the artist is trying to communicate to he's audience that he is a star. On the far left-hand Corner of picture one there is a bright light which the artist is just in front of; the idea of putting Tinie tempah in front of the sun and making the sun a lot smaller than the artist  is to emphasize that he is a bigger and more important star than the sun itself. This follows the convection of hip-hop because through out the history of Hip-hop, Artists have always competed against other artists, this has been done through there music videos, album/cds sales, chart ranking and Rap battles (when two mcs go head to head to battle for who has the most insulting lyrics) and the winner usually gains respect.

In picture 3 an extreme close up was used on he's face to show all he's hidden facial expressions, the narration is that he is a strong artist who is serious in getting a record deal because at the time this video was out he was unsigned, so he was working so hard to break in to the music industry. This was one of he's ways of communicating to he's fans. Picture three also agrees with the hip-hop steroetypes of how hip-hop artists are portrayed to be tough, feared and stubborn, the artist did this to show that he is unstoppable and uncontrollable and he is totally in charge. In picture four, half of Tinie Tempahs face has a dark shading while the other half of it is very bright, the narration to this is that although Tinie Tempah might of had a bad past, he however has a bright furure ahead of him in the music industry. It also reflects the life of the Artist, how he has two live two life, one as a musician and the other as an ordinary person, by using the dark and the bright shading effect, we can also see that he has had bad moments in he's career and this is shown through the dark shading and also he has had good moments in his career which is represented by the lighter shadings. 

The Narration of picture five is that Tinie Tempah is showing off he's watch, hip-hop artist usually do this because it helps them to control the audience's mind to make them admire the Artists and make them aspire to be like the artists. Artists try to control the minds of the audience in order to help them sell records. For example if you aspire to be like someone you tend to do what they do and wear what they wear and also you will be most likely to buy their album. Doing this will help the Artist sell cds/albums clothing and merchandise. The use of flashy jewellery in hip-hop is something that is common, it is usually done to show wealth and status and therefore it helps the artist to compete against other artists in the Music industry.