Friday 14 September 2012

Lupe fiasco superstar

The 9 frames screen shots all represents the creation of a star, which agrees with the title of the Music video (Superstar). (1)The shinny golden light bulbs represents the beginning of a new idol, the colour gold represents the wealth and value of the artists and the fact that the gold is shinny, smooth instead of rusty dark brown colour represents the young career of the artist and that it is no where near an end.
Picture 2,4,8 shows a bright light shiny down upon the artist in contrast to the black blank screen behind him, this represents how he is potrayed to be superior to "the average person" the bright lights makes him stand out. In the second picture it shows little ribbons poured down upon the artist this is done to show that the artist is successful and the ribbons is used to represent the celebration of of he's success. In the second picture, the brightest part of the light is focused on him and the lights fade out more as the distance from him increases, this was done to show how important the artist is and how everything else is unimportant. This follows the representation of the genre of how hip hop artist are potrayed to be aroggant in the media. Picture 3 shows a red carpet with camera flashing and there is a shadow of he artist appearing on the Red carpet. This was shot to represent the fame and the fortune and the red carpet represents the narrow road to success and he fact that he's shadow appears on the end of the red carpet means that he has reached that success position he craved to reach. Picture 5 shows that the fans are in love with the artist and how they are trying to reach up to him. Picture 7 and 9 shows a shinny, clean meccedes benz and an elegant looking young lady, this represents how wealth and women goes with the fame. The hip-hop Genre always has the representation of women being potrayed as an item or or a property. Linking  back to history of hip hop, The man that has the most women is known as the alpha male and therefore he is respected but other males.

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