Friday 14 September 2012

Black eyed peas - Gotta feeling

The first frame shows a set of make up and lipsticks- the narration of the frame shows how women struggle to look their best to attract the opposite sex in their attempt to find a rich partner (ideally the rapper kind) or a good night out. It also potrays women as dependent on men and always trying to live up to expectations of men and doing what ever it takes for them to be up to the standard the men are looking for. Picture 4 shows a close up on fergie's face in the shower, the narration shows a woman enjoying her shower and trying to cleanse herself before going to the party in order to make herself look 'sexy' This is an example of collective identity it is passive because women do not always have the choice to make these decitions, they are forced by the society to behave this way. 

This is achieved through the media; for example in picture 5,8  shows a man jumping up and every one in the video is having fun, this was done to show how much  fun they will have if they dress up and behave in this certain way. The narration of the picture frame is clearly saying dress in a certain way to a party  and you are guaranteed to enjoy yourself like the people are doing in the picture frames. Picture 6 shows will-iam taking off he's jacket to is used to represent how he is letting go of all he's problems  and getting lose in order to party properly and have a great time. This is also used to portray that wil-iam is feeling sexy. This was done to get into the minds of the audience watching and to make them believe that they want to be just like the artists themselves. Picture 7 follows the steroe-type of how sex is portrayed in hip- hop videos, it shows a hot looking woman in bikini setting on a man with cool shades on and they are having a great time. And the bottle of wine on the floor in frame 9 is showing the wealth of the artist and how wasting a bottle of wine really doesn't really make any difference to their wealth. 

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