Thursday 27 September 2012

Digi Pak Analysis

The Narration to B.o.b's Front cover indicates that B.o.b is out of this world (because he's music is so outstanding), he is shown as a meteoroid crashing down the earth. The idea of B.O.B being out of this world is to suggest that he is at the top of he's game and  above every other Hip-hop Artist.  
B.O.B Has been made to look Predominant on he's Digi-Pak's cover and this  was done through effects displayed on the front cover e.g the shattered stones, the fire and the clouds. The shattered stones is used to Portray B.o.b as extremely strong and powerful this is because is because the stones are broken due to B.o.b's force. The Stones are used to represent the Other Hip-hop artists how the are meant to be obstacles  in B.o.B's way, and the fact that B.o.b is causing this stones to shattered shows that he is totally monopolizing the music industry. 

The idea that he is in total control is also shown through his body position and gesture for example the way he's hand is placed on the ground makes it look he is pushing down on the earth which is then causing all the stone to shatter this is again making him look dominant. The way the white  smoke in the background is spreading is used to represent how B.o.b is infecting the world with he's music and turning everyone into he's fan. In addition Fire is used is in this cover to signify danger, fire is known as the bringer of destruction and it symbolizes chaos and war. Fire was used in this image to suggest 'colonization' which tides in with the idea that B.o.B is trying  to control the Earth.

On the other hand, The Tittle of the Cover The  Adventures of bobby ray signifies that B.o.B is suggested to be a super Hero, although the image might seem destructive but it could also represent that B.o.B is trying to save the music industry by breaking and rebuilding it.

In contrast to J-cole’s mixtape's front cover which is less animated and more natural, this was done on purpose to show that J-cole raps more about the normal everyday life/ the real world. He has a plain facial expression which adds to the idea that he is natural and does not fake or create different image of who he actually is. A long shot is used on J-cole to show every part of he’s body from his feet to his head, this is to show the location of the mise en scene  and also  to that  indicate that J-cole has nothing to hide, everything he raps about is the real deal. The image looks like a normal photograph of an ordinary person this is because the mise en scene is set on a normal street and the way he is dressed is totally ordinary and contains nothing flashy or shinny.  This digipak cover was created this way on purpose to break the typical Hip-hop cover conventions because typical Hip-hop digipaks are usually not plain and simple. The typical Hip-hop digi-pak usually have a potrait of the main artist wearing expensive clothing, flashy jewellery, sunglasses, cars and trainers but this photograph goes directly against the stereotype. This is to indicate that J-cole is a different type of rapper, he sees more to rap music than just the clothes fame and fortune and that is why he has chosen to keep the cover plain and simple.

In addition J-cole is placed on the  front cover with the street which is covered in smoke behind him, the picture editor made sure J-cole is not covered in the smoke to send a message that the artist stands out from the crowd of the other Hip-hop artists.
Pictures of J-cole’s Childhood is used in the image inside the cd’s case, the purpose to this is that without listening to the music, straight away the audience can tell that the songs in the mixtape is going to be about J-cole’s life. The title ‘The Come Up’ also sells the idea that the songs in the CD are about J-cole’s life. For example, The title ‘come up’ gives me an impression of growth, development and progress which represents the past stages in J-cole’s life. The name of the Artist and the Mixtape title is written in white to signify purity and this goes well with the little Halo ring on the Letter E in J-COLE but juxtaposes with the horns in the Letter O in J-COLE. This is to suggest that sometimes the Artist can be misjudged.

The there Front Covers of theses digi paks are all different, For example the narration of Fat Joe's Album Cover and title suggests that the songs in the album will be about Fat joe's life and how  his has been  hustling in the streets; been trough pain and struggles.

The Narration of Bow wow's Album title and Front cover is that he had nothing to start with but he has now made it as 'The Prince of Fame'.

In Contrast, the Narration to Akon's Album title and Cover is that he has previously been in jail and was controlled by the government, that has affected his life and he is now trying to break free.

When you look at Fat Joe's  album you can tell that it is going to be about his life because the cover only consist of a close up shot on Fat Joe's face and this is also given away through the title of the album 'Me Myself and I'.We can also tell the mood of the album through the cover. For instance, Fat Joe is dressed in all black and the background of the cover is also black therefore we cannot expect this album to be about celebration or partying. It is bound to be about struggle, hustling, hard-work and pain or tears and sorrows. This is because of the connotation of the colour 'black' which are strength, Sadness or sometimes even death.

Similarly, Bow wow's Album cover also has a black background which also follows the same representations of the black colour. However, this Background colour Juxtaposes with the name of the Album 'The prince of Fame'. This is because the connotation of fame which is shinny lights, Celebration and happiness and this is  exactly the opposite of the connotation of the black colour, so therefore the Background colour does not match with the album's name. In addition, the design of Bow wow's has some patterns around the edge which makes it look like a framed picture. This follows links with the Title of the album' Prince of Fame' because fame is usually associated with cameras and pictures.

Similar to bow's album cover, When We look at The title of Akon's Album  'Locked up' we get the impression of Jail, anger and aggression but this is not what we translate when we look at the cover on its own. Although he's facial expression and body language suggests that he is angry, but the background  does not suggest this. There is a bright light shinning on he's face on the front the cover, bright lights usually represents freedom but the title 'Locked up' goes against it.

Hip hop Genre is Shown through the dressing of these Artist for example Bow wow and Fat Joe are both dressed in a black hooded jumper which is associated with hip hop and also the NY Flat peak hat that fat Joe is wearing is also associated with Hip-hop it is usually worn by artist in music videos to represent where the artist is from. To add, one of the things that the three front covers of the Digi Pak have is a Picture of the Main artist and when you look at the three covers it looks like the Artists are looking straight at you. This is done purposely to advertise the face of the artist and therefore help to sell the album because straight away when an existing fan sees the artist's face on an album they will be more persuaded to purchase the album.

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